About Me

Hi! I’m Amir.

I write code, write about code, and take pictures of birds.

Currently, I work at IBM Trusteer as a Senior Software Engineer.

About The Blog

arbel.dev is my personal blog where I share nifty software engineering challenges and how I handled them. This blog is an outlet for my passion about creating high-quality software; from code readability through designing features to architecture.

Software is details - and I try to provide interesting nuggets of those details in my posts.

Hope you enjoy!

Technical Information

This website is powered by Jekyll and uses the Minimal Mistakes theme.

The site is hosted (and built) by GitHub pages.

The repository for the site is hosted on GitHub.

The blog uses Giscus for comments though the GitHub discussion feature.

Unless mentioned otherwise, diagrams are made with Excalidraw.

The code for this blog (except the content itself) was made by a lot of other people that made this entire thing free. Thanks!


All original content here is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.

In this site I express my own personal opinions and in no way represent my employers, their product or any other person or entity.